Friday, June 14, 2013


Well, oops.

I got the case apart. The flywheel end was pretty much gummed together at the seam and the cam plug was a friction fit glueball.

I did not pry on the case halves, even after they were 1/8" apart and still not separating. Rubber Mallet only.



All of the bearing surfaces look sane, and the crank floated nicely in the bearings.

My intention is to pull the five trouble-making oil gallery plugs out, that way the galleries get partially washed by the parts washer when it goes into the machine shop. Also have the shop weld up that busted off flange. (I've even heard of some JB Welding it, though I don't think I'll go that route.)

Comments and suggestions before this goes in for its bath and measurements? I'm probably going to bring the case halves with me to Litchfield just to have those with a more studied eye go over it with me.


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